2006 • Design of Hedy's LiBERAL LEADERSHIP Campaign Website
Drupal Website • Developed in partnership with Morgan McConnell (DangerBoy Design) (Layout & Design)Matthew Fessenden (Gryphic Creative Inc.): Drupal Configuration & Theme (PHP, CSS)
From Hedy's Team:
From Hedy's Team:
"Morgan and Matthew– I wanted to take a moment and thank you both for the amazing work you have done! Our website looks awesome, it is all we wanted, contemporary, fresh and different. Thank you again."
Steve RodRozen, for Hedy Fry, Liberal Party Member

2006 Election Campaign • Issues Card & Ad Layout
12pt uncoated cardstock • Ad Layout for Vancouver Courier & WestEnder

2004 Election Campaign • Launch Event • Tickets, Promo Postcard & Signage
4/4 and laser on coated paper & cardstock
For the 2004 Campaign, Hedy's team requested a lively 1960s-inspired theme for the stylish campaign kickoff event–a theme strong enough to carry the cheeky name they'd chosen for the event, but also reflect Hedy's own stylish and unflinching personal brand.